Wednesday, February 15, 2012

From child Sand Box to Corn Box

So last winter we wanted to have something for Jacoby inside that he loved. What does he love more than backhoes and digging, absolutely notta! So we filled a baby pool with sand and put it in our (unfinished) basement. It wasn't too bad, but it got pretty dusty and you would have to bring down water to get the sand damp otherwise it was just too much dust. Sooo....this year we thought we would try corn. So far so good, it seems to be messier in a sense that it spreads, but easier because you can just sweep it up and dump it back in. The boys really really enjoy it. You can just get the corn at a farm store type place that sells feeds for chicken's etc. Enjoy my cutie patootie and please ignore the big ole mess in the background. Project frame and finish basement has begun! Stay tuned...dun dun dun. Scroll to the last picture for a preview of my men working on the "spacement"

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