Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back To Reality!

Phew, the Holiday's are over!  Now, I truly do enjoy a good Holiday, but this year they just didn't have the same "umph".  I think I was still exhausted from Garrett's first birthday party to host Thanksgiving, then we had a family X-mas with different members of the family almost every weekend in December.  So therefore, actual Christmas didn't have the pizazz that I feel it warrants.  On top of that we had a pretty serious illness to boot.  And, for the second year in a row, we didn't do a thing for New Year's (sign number 100 that you are for sure getting kinda old).

As for New Year's Resolutions....hmmmm....I have a few, not too interesting though but I will share here. Not really resolutions but more of a TO DO list.

1. Balance my checkbook once a week. (even once a quarter would be an improvement).
2. Frame the boys "coming home" outfits. (stay tuned)
3. Put up the medicine cabinet I got for free with my Swagbucks MONTHS ago.
4. Really get control over the absurd amount we spend in groceries.
4. Overall smarten up in the moola department.
5. Fix this blog so it looks right. OH, and my mom says I shouldn't swear in it, so I will try harder :)
6. Spend 10 hours a week on my home based business.
5. And the usual, exercise, eat right, blah blah blah :)

NOW, I think these are pretty darn attainable.  If not, oh well, there's always next year.

Oh, and a really good part of the holiday's being ovah?! Pre-school is back in session :) 'Nuff said.


  1. I'm with you on #4!! If you learn some tricks to that, send 'em my way!

    Glad Jacoby is feeling better!

  2. I'm with you, too, on number 4! Actually...on most of it. :-)
